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Season 2014-2015

June 21, 2014

2014 UFO "Kick-Off" Champion Cat Show 


2nd Best Longhair Premier - Bob Zenda

2nd Best Allbreed Premier - Bob Zenda

7th Best Cat in Premiership - Bob Zenda

7th Best Cat in Premiership - Wakako Nagayama








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PR Diamond Rag's Apollo

GP Diamond Rag's Ares (New Grand)

February 13, 2015

2015 Valentine's Championship Cat Show


2nd Best Longhair Premier - Satu Hamalainen

2nd Best Allbreed Premier - Satu Hamalainen

4th Best Cat in Premiership - Satu Hamalainen

2nd Best Longhair Premier - Pam Delabar

2nd Best Allbreed Premier - Pam Delabar

12th Best Cat in Premiership - Pam Delabar

2nd Best Longhair Premier - David Mare

2nd Best Allbreed Premier - David Mare




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PR Diamond Rag Beloved Little Carol

January 09, 2015

2015 UFO New Year Champion Cat Show​


2nd Best Kitten - Becky Orlando

7th Best Kitten - Vicki Abelson

8th Best Kitten - Megumi Yamashita

8th Best Longhair Kitten - Etsuko Hamayasu

10th Best Kitten - Wakako Nagayama







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Diamond Rag Beloved Za Za

February 13, 2015

2015 Valentine's Championship Cat Show


3rd Best Household Pet - David Mare

5th Best Household Pet - Pam DelaBar
6th Best Household Pet - Jan Walker Rogers

7th Best Household Pet - Teresa Keiger
10th Best Household Pet - Barbara A. Jaeger

10th Best Household Pet - Gary Powell






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Ragville Marshmallow of Diamond Rag

February 13, 2015

2015 Valentine's Championship Cat Show


Best Kitten - David Mare

5th Best Kitten - Pam Delabar










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Diamond Rag Caramel Crunch Cake

April 11, 2015

2015 UFO Easter Champion Cat Show


5th Best Kitten - Gary Veach











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